** The office will be closed February 19th-20th.**
"Homeopathy is one of the rare medical approaches which carries no penalties - only benefits"
-- Yehudi Menuhin, Violinist
Yehudi Menuhin's statement reflects an important reason that I became interested in homeopathy. After practicing traditional Western medicine for roughly ten years, I became disenchanted with chemical drugs as being the only approach in dealing with disease. I was frustrated with the lack of effective treatments for chronic disease, behavior problems, and the epidemic of allergic conditions. During my search for alternatives, my personal health was greatly improved with homeopathic treatment, leading me to the study of homeopathy and the incorporation of this great system of medicine in my veterinary practice. That was in 1989 - and three years later, I sold that practice so I could devote myself solely to homeotherapeutics.
My practice is by telephone consultation. I have treated thousands of cases using the principles of classical homeopathy and I continue to find this system of gentle healing to be the most effective therapy that has ever existed.
Sixty percent of my new cases have cancer and most of these several hundred companions each year survive longer and have a better quality of life than cancer patients treated with Western medicine or other modalities (see Cancer Treatment supplements ). The homeopathic approach is both very cost effective for guardians and gentle and natural for their companions. Also in my experience, animals being treated with chemo-therapy or radiation can benefit from homeopathic treatment.
Having practiced 45 years as a veterinarian and thirty-five with homeopathy, there is little doubt about which is the more effective system and which has the most curative approach to disease. The side-effects of homeopathic treatment are improved, overall health and a heightened sense of well-being; side-effects not typically found with Western medicine.